Natural Disabilities …….Can nature help??

Does nature differentiate between the abled and differently abled? Don’t all of us derive happiness from food when hungry, enjoy the cool breeze in summer, love the lapping waves washing our feet, love the smell of first rains?

If that’s the case then how come we see so little awareness about the natural methods of treatment and support for the differently abled whether its physical or mental.

When we talk about inclusion for all, why aren’t we talking about inclusion of all therapeutic support methodologies for disabled ?

I meet parents everyday who take their kids to several therapy sessions in a week from OT, PT, CT to all the alphabets upto Z. They are driving themselves crazy running around, spending money and the primary caretakers especially mothers are loosing their health in return. Recently met someone with a kidney failure, other one diagnosed with MS , both in their 30s.

When I talk about Ayurveda treatments to achieve a better state of life for physical or mental diverse kids , it is often met with disbelief or outrightly rejected. Our lives and consciousness have been so ingrained with chemically synthesized treatments that we will happily go to an antibiotic peddling pediatrician when a child sneezes just once instead of taking any logical action on our part.

Here are some simple typical examples of the afflictions of various specific conditions and how it can be helped through Ayurveda. In cerebral palsy, the digestive system is always impacted irrespective of the disability. This can be supported by an ayurveda nutrition plan which allows easy digestion yet fulfills nutritional deficiencies . This will take into account the cultural aspect and location of the family unlike a blanket approach of carbohydrates, proteins fats and fibers. For a down syndrome kid , their lungs/stomach might always be the site of infections. Ayurveda prescribes medicated oils to use for their immunity in the form of body massage (Abhyangam) and nostril drops (Nasyam). For kids with speech disabilities, there are various herbs which have both physiological and neurological benefits which can improve the efficacy of the OT session. For kids /adults who have acquired any disability due to external trauma , Ayurveda offers excellent restorative therapies in the form of herbal intake, external practices like Abhyangam , Nvavrakizhi and Pizhichil.

For neuro diverse kids like ADHD, Autism spectrum, in addition to external and internal medication natural therapies like mud and water play is advocated. Parents are encouraged to engage in sensorial and textural experiences for e.g. giving oil body massage to kids. Panchkarma is an umbrella term used for various therapies which are given in succession in a particular chronology as per the condition to be treated. With the intensive regime of Panchkarma often the results are akin to miraculous in some cases.

 In Autism cases I have often seen doctors and therapists offering a blanket advise on Gluten, dairy and sugar free diet. These bans aren’t based on individual bodies rather on the success rate of majority cases which on terms of rationale sounds alright. But Ayurveda treats every individual differently because as much as the fingerprint pattern is different so is the remedy pattern.

Older down syndrome kids and Autism spectrum kids often have sleep troubles. Predictable natural rhythm of the day which includes no day nap is often the most consistent way of achieving it but overexerted mothers often can’t keep up the gruel of the day. This leads to the question of inclusion of other family members for supporting the mother and the child. With our urban nuclear setups, there is often no family member apart from parents. Mothers feel hesitant to seek support in their social circles for their kids. There are grandparents too who shy away from taking care of the special kids.

When it comes to improving the quality of life what could be easier to acquire and maintain than the natural methods based on the principal of rhythm of nature and products made of natural extracts. Herbal extracts are easier to assimilate by the body as compared to chemical compositions. Its healthier for a kid to take a walk in the garden then just exercising on a bouncy ball. It’s effective for a kid to play in mud and sand and smear it all over his body than sitting quietly with a tab watching images just for the sake of therapy.

I am not condemning all the existing treatment patterns . They are effective and crucial and I am just urging parents or differently abled adults to explore the natural methods too whether it be Ayurveda, Chinese medicine, Acupuncture , Reflexology so on and so forth. The more we understand our connection with nature , easier it becomes to follow its rhythm, resulting into better quality of life whether it’s abled or differently abled .

This post is a part of “International Day of Disabled Persons” blog hop hosted by Sakshi Varma – Tripleamommy in collaboration with Bookosmia. #IDPD2022Bloghop. Access all posts of this bloghop at

18 thoughts on “Natural Disabilities …….Can nature help??

  1. Loved your post. It is so informative. Since my son ( a CP patient) has benefited from your advice, I can vouch about your advice to try alternative /traditional medicine for the disabled kids.


  2. I am so happy to read your post. I have had excellent results in conventional medicine and alternative medicine. But I find they each have their “specialties”. Some ailments, mostly non-chronic, are best treated by allopathy in the sense that they offer quick relief (at a cost though). But for chronic ailments and immune system problems, I have had great results from alternative systems such as Tibetan medicine, homeopathy and ayurveda. The problem that used to exist was that many quacks used to pass off as qualified practitioners, which led to a lot of distrust. I find that the situation has now changed and there are reasonably robust systems of qualification. I completely agree with you that parents must at least explore these alternative systems, who knows they may be the game changer.


  3. So true, natural remedies and treatments can always act in a complementary manner to other ongoing therapies and treatment and improve their outcome.


  4. There are a variety of natural methods that can help with dealing with disabilities. Ayurveda is an ancient system of medicine from India that can be very effective in treating various conditions. Chinese medicine has also been used for centuries to treat various ailments. Acupuncture and reflexology are two other natural modalities that can help deal with disabilities. Each person is unique and will respond differently to each type of treatment. It is essential to work with a practitioner who is experienced in treating people with disabilities to find the best approach for each individual. Natural methods can be very effective in managing symptoms and improving the quality of life for people with disabilities. These methods can help to ease pain, improve mobility, and increase energy levels. In addition, they can also help to improve mental well-being and provide other benefits.


  5. Visiting your blog for the first time shveta and being an eco blogger and passionate about panchtatwas of life firstly I loved the name of your blog – shveta5elements. Secondly, this a great post emphasizing ayurveda. I’m also a natural and ayurveda believer and it’s the need of the hour when we are surrounded by all kinds of chemicals and microplastics. Nature is the best healer since olden times and we have treatment for almost everything. We just need to believe and have trust in the method.


  6. Completely agree that natural remedies are a great alternative that is less harmful. But there is no proper awareness and right guidance that makes people a little skeptical to opt them. Thank you for sharing some insightful natural remedies.


  7. Thanks Shveta for sharing your views on how Ayurvedic treatment could be helpful along with mainstream medical treatment. I have recently experienced Panch-Karma first hand and I same sure holistic means are better places to get us in sync with nature ( as you rightly pointed out – natural rhythm !!!)

    On lighter note, I loved the way you captured special parent’s running around in frenzy for various treatments — “I meet parents everyday who take their kids to several therapy sessions in a week from OT, PT, CT to all the alphabets upto Z” 🙂

    Sachin Jakhotia (Shlok-Ability)


  8. I completely agree on the lack of hesitation for many trigger-happy doctors and parents, especially in India to pump in anti-biotics into their kids, for even mild cold and congestion. But there also seems to be a new wave of turning to things more natural. I think for me the one big question would be how does a lay person differentiate between a genuinely good expert in natural remedies from the very many quacks that are feeding into the new fad.


  9. It’s hugely important what you highlight. Yoga and Ayurveda have great resources to enable humans to live better physically and mentally. Thank you for highlighting specific ways it can help different sets of people.


  10. I love the way you thought of that first paragraph you had. Finding happiness and joy really depends on the way of thinking one has. You can have everything in this world yet still feel unhappy while others who lack the most can find happiness in the little things they have. Despite having a price tag on most of things nowadays, I guess we can say that nature still have our backs no matter what.


  11. This is a very informative read. Thank you for sharing these ideas. Apart from highlighting the aspects of how natural therapies can benefit PWDs, I especially appreciated the fact that you have taken the time to highlight the social systems that we have designed that prevent caregivers (especially mothers) from getting support that they may need.


  12. I totally agree with the fact that there are alternate methods available but I also understand from where these fears arise. One hardly tends to take risk when it comes to their kids and most of us have grown up on allopathic medicines rather than the natural ways. I think the objective of getting cured should be met as all medicines aim at the same thing. Good informative post. Keep the good work going.

    #ContemplationOfaJoker #Jokerophilia


  13. This post is a true eye-opener. I’ve always thought of Ayurveda as a treatment option for other ailments but not for disability. Thanks for writing this, Shveta and educating us.


  14. A very informative and educational read. Humans are, at the end of the day, one with nature. Natural medicines and traditional methods of treatment can be a great alternative and at times can be more effective. Thank you for spreading awareness on this crucial topic

    Liked by 1 person

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